The EXACT steps to make more sales with your email marketing

Gain an unfair advantage over your competitors when your emails land in the inbox while theirs go to spam.

In 76 strategy-packed pages,

you'll discover ...

  • The #1 action to take to get more of your emails in the inbox. This along will skyrocket your sales.

  • The 3 pieces of identification Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo REQUIRE to keep your emails out of the spam folder - and how setting this up incorrectly can prevent you from sending any emails.

  • How choosing the wrong place to host your website can sabotage your email marketing (how to know and what to do about it)

  • The reason you should ditch the email newsletter - and what you should send instead.

  • The 3 items every welcome email must contain to reduce the number of people who unsubscribe from your list.

  • What the REAL numbers reveal about the Gmail Promotions tab - and how it affects the profitability of your email marketing.

  • A surefire way to get all of your emails rejected by the mailbox providers (a horrible technique one email guru charges $10,000 to teach you)

  • What every opt-in "thank you" page must contain that guarantees your emails land in the inbox.  Most web designers don't know this.

Why Experts Recommend Hit The inbox
Misty Kortes
Evan Cox
Scott Ruesch
Dave Dee
Nick Loise

"When I first started using email marketing in my first business, I didn't know what I didn't know. I wish someone would have shared with me these exact resources to keep me from costly mistakes and lost time."

Scott Hartley, Author

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